Good progress on scope 1 and 2 - New Step in social responsibility ELCEE
Posted on: 17-06-2024

Sustainability report

Good progress on scope 1 and 2 – New Step in social responsibility

As a company, we are proud to present our annual sustainability report. This report provides a detailed overview of our performance in the areas of environment, social responsibility, and good governance. We are pleased to report that we have made significant progress on many fronts.

Scope 1 and 2 reduction

One of our key priorities was to reduce our carbon footprint reduction

  • We continued our carbon footprint assessments for scopes 1 and 2 with the objective to report to our stakeholders, find hotspots for improvement, and reduce the carbon intensity of our products and operations.
  • We started measuring scope 3 (limited scope).
  • We are moving away from fuel vehicles to include more hybrid and electric options.
  • We started tracking means of transportation within facilities.
  • We launched an app where employees can register flights and help collect carbon data.

ELCEE sustainability report 2023 performance overview

Renewable Energy

As part of our sustainability strategy, we have also made significant progress in the area of renewable energy. We have installed solar panels on the roof of our headquarters, allowing us to generate a substantial portion of our own electricity needs. Additionally, we have signed long-term contracts for the procurement of green electricity from wind farms and hydropower plants. These investments in clean energy contribute significantly to reducing our environmental impact.

Greenhouse Gas Emissive Reduction

In addition to our scope 1 and 2 emissions, we have also looked at our scope 3 emissions, or the indirect emissions in our value chain. By closely collaborating with our suppliers, we have launched several important initiatives to reduce these emissions as well. These include optimizing logistics processes, promoting sustainable procurement, and supporting our partners in implementing their own sustainability measures.

Employee Satisfaction

Within our organisation, we attach great importance to the well-being and satisfaction of our employees. This year, we conducted an extensive employee satisfaction survey, which showed that our employees are generally very satisfied with their work, the company culture, and the development opportunities provided. We see this as an important indicator of our success as a socially responsible enterprise.

Code of Conduct with Suppliers

Finally, we have also deepened our collaboration with suppliers through the implementation of a detailed code of conduct. In this, we set clear requirements and expectations in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment, and integrity. By sharing and jointly adhering to this code of conduct with our partners, we can strengthen the sustainability and transparency throughout our entire supply chain.

Your copy of the sustainability report?

Overall, we can look back on a year in which we have made significant progress on many fronts. Of course, there are still challenges, but we are convinced that with these concrete steps, we are on the right track to achieving our sustainability goals. Would you like to learn more about our sustainability report? Request your copy via the form below.


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