ELMIA banner 2022
Publicerat den:04-10-2022

Elmia Subcontractor

The leading arena for knowledge, innovation and the manufacturing industry of the future

Elmia Subcontractor is the heart of the industry, providing it with oxygen, energy and momentum for three effective days. It brings together thousands of like-minded people to share knowledge, create innovations and do business right on the hall floor. On site. With joy. And with tomorrow’s solutions in focus.

ELCEE at Elmia 2022

The last years we were happy to exhibit at Elmia. This year our booth is improved with new and inspiring industrial components. We’ll display many success stories and provide product samples at our booth. To stimulate your interest in engineering, you can investigate castings, forgings, and plain bearings constructed from a number of materials, including stainless steel, bronze, or composite. We have gained extensive knowledge of castings, forgings, plain bearings, and stainless steel over the past 100 years. We’re glad to impart this knowledge to you so that you may make the most of your industrially engineered parts.

It is when knowledge meets and skills combine that innovation occurs.


Opening hours

Tuesday  |  15 November  |  09.00-18.00
Wednesday  |  16 November  |  09.00-18.00
Thursday  |  17 November  |  09.00-17.00


Mässvägen 12

ELCEE booth in map: B04:94

We look forward meeting you at Elmia Subcontractor 15-17 November 2022 – stand B04:94

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