Summer break ELCEE academy webinars
Summer break ELCEE academy webinars
Help us improve
After two successful months in which we were able to inform over 600 people about various technical topics during our webinars, it is now time for a short summer break. During this summer break we are working hard. We use this time to prepare ourselves for a new webinar season starting mid-August.
The coming month we will make a new webinar schedule. Our technical specialists will get an opportunity to share their expertise. With appealing topics and impressive customer cases we, want to inform and enthuse, you, the viewer.
By sharing our knowledge, we are convinced of our contribution to your success. With our technical knowledge we can improve your components. After all, two always know more than one. That is why we would like to ask you a number of questions, so that you can be part of the success of the webinars: