ELCEE Academy: free webinars

ELCEE academy webinars

Free webinars to boost your knowledge about engineered components

Attend our free webinars



We’ve created a series of free webinars that you can sign up for. In these ELCEE academy webinars, we share our knowledge on casting, forgings, plain bearing technology, cost engineering and more. If you want to know more about “How to choose the right slide bearing” or “When casting is more interesting than welding” don’t hesitate and register for one (or more) of our free webinars!

  • Duration of the webinars 30 minutes
  • Cost: Free of charge
  • Language: English (our webinars are presented in English)
  • Tool: we use Bigmarker to host our webinars
  • Please note that we strongly recommend using Chrome/Firefox as best practices

Important information

Our webinars run every 15 minutes at Tuesdays between the hours of 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM – Amsterdam. You can attend our webinars at any time during this time frame. Just visit the webinars website, register at the moment that you want to attend the webinar. You immediately enter the waiting room and the webinar will start within 15 minutes.

  • No pre-registration needed
  • Attend the webinar whenever you want
  • The webinar starts within 15 minutes

ELCEE built up a wealth of specialist knowledge and expertise over many years. We will work closely together with you during your project to understand your needs, so we can find the best and most efficient fit for your specific design. The result: the most efficient and affordable components and assemblies for your production process.

ELCEE academy webinars about engineered components

ELCEE offers engineered industrial components and assemblies produced at best-cost locations. We specialise in producing small to medium quantities of machined and assembled castings, forgings and welded assemblies. Our engineers will help to transform your components into cost-effective products. We start with your specific requirements and can manufacture in a wide variety of materials, including steel, (duplex) stainless steel, aluminium, iron, brass, metal and plastics. The production and assembly processes we offer include casting, injection moulding, forging, sintering, welding and machining.

Missed one of our webinars?

Reach out to your local contact person. We are pleased to supply you with a tailor made webinar or personal (0nline) meeting. Together we create the best-cost components and assemblies to optimise your production process.

Get in touch

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Peter Slijkhuis International sales director ELCEE
Peter Slijkhuis
International sales director
pslijkhuis@elcee.com +31 6 53 70 34 96
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